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What is your Home Inspector missing (on purpose)?

Nik Tanaka, AScT, CHI

A common question I get from clients: “what’s included in a home inspection”.

The answer is two-fold:

1. The minimum requirements per the legislature in British Columbia.

2. The "above and beyond" that we feel should be included in every inspection, regardless of if it’s “required” or not. You'd be surprised to learn what some home inspectors knowingly miss.

So what’s not required?


Stepping foot on the roof

Although we must report on various components of the roof, it’s not required to climb up and walk on the surface. Other inspectors will only review from the edge or the ground. In our experience, many deficiencies would have been missed had we not explored all areas (which would be impossible to do without climbing up and walking on it).

A roof leak waiting to happen on a brand new house.

Photo credit: HammerHead Inspection Services


Entering the attic and crawlspace

You can't report on what you can't see and simply peering in from the hatch is just not good enough. We've found countless deficiencies in places that others are unwilling or unable to go. A good home inspector will not be afraid to get dirty.

This house was less than a year old. Mould found in the attic (not visible from the hatch).

Photo credit: HammerHead Inspection Services


Removing the electrical panel cover

We understand the reasoning behind this because home inspectors are not licensed electricians. However; a potential fire hazard could go unnoticed - which is why we include removing the panel cover in our inspections.

Aluminium wiring (fire hazard) located in the panel

Photo credit: HammerHead Inspection Services


Strata common property

Common property includes the roof, exterior walls, landscaping, common buildings and common utilities (i.e. boiler room) located outside of the inspected unit. Because you will be part owners of common property, you will be paying for your fair share when it fails.

A leak in the parkade where previous repairs have failed.

Photo credit: HammerHead Inspection Services



Inspectors will tell you they do not test appliances because it's a liability issue. We feel the opposite. If an appliance fails and causes damage, guess who pays for it.

Washing machine leaking when tested.

Photo credit: HammerHead Inspection Services

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